The House’s Legislative Data and Transparency Conference is this Tuesday, June 21, from 9-4, in the Capitol Visitor Center auditorium in Washington, DC. RSVP here.
The conference brings together individuals from Legislative Branch agencies with data users and transparency advocates to foster a conversation about the use of legislative data – addressing how agencies use technology well and how they can use it better in the future. This is the 5th annual conference, and the conversations that take place help change the nature of government.
House Speaker Paul Ryan and and the UK’s Director of Parliamentary Digital Service Rob Greig will both address the conference.
Here’s the agenda:
8:30 AM Registration Period
9:00 AM Opening Remarks
9:30 AM Bulk Data Task Force Update
10:15 AM Utilizing GIS Data for Committee Oversight and Policy Analysis
11:00 AM Break
11:25 AM 10 Hacks to Launch Political Science Majors into Smart Data Users
12:10 PM Lunch
1:10 PM Unfinished Work Panel: Leveraging Past Work to Create a More Open Congress
1:55 PM Assist Agencies to Embrace an Open Source World
2:10 PM Legislative Modernization in the United Kingdom
2:30 PM New Zealand Perspective on Legislative Modernization and Transparency
3:00 PM Speaker Ryan: Cultivating a Modern Congress
3:10 PM Break
3:40 PM Consuming the Law
4:25 PM Future of Publishing Legislative Data and Documents
5:10 PM Concluding Remarks
Here’s a recap of prior conferences: