House Asks for Feedback on Its Collaborative Legislative Drafting Study

The House of Representatives is asking developers and the general public for ideas concerning the House’s interest in collaborative legislative drafting. Collaborative legislative drafting is where multiple political legislative offices, internal expert offices and agencies, and outside stakeholders (from federal agencies to civil society to interest groups) are able to view and make suggestions on drafts of legislation. The RFI is available here.

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Recap of Congressional Data Task Force Meeting on June 6, 2024

The Congressional Data Task Force held its second quarterly meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2024. The agenda and other resources are available online and we expect video and slides will be published soon. The next Congressional Data Task Force meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2024. 

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CDTF Meeting Set for June 6, 2024

The next Congressional Data Task Force meeting will take place from 2-4pm ET on June 6, 2024. The public is welcome to attend in person or virtually. More information, including a link to RSVP and a (forthcoming) agenda, is here.

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Congressional Data Task Force Meeting on March 13, 2024

The Congressional Data Task Force held its first quarterly meeting on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024. The agenda and other resources are available online here, and we expect video and slides will be made available soon. The next scheduled meeting is June 6th and December 12, 2024. It’s unclear whether there will be a fourth meeting around September, which is also when the Library usually holds its public-facing meeting on congressional data.

The following are highlights from the meeting.

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Congressional Hackathon 5.0: September 14, 2023

The Speaker of the House, Minority Leader of the House, and the CAO co-hosted Congressional Hackathon 5.0 on September 14, 2023. There’s video from part 1 and part 2 of the event, a summary video, and the official report has just been released. The following is our recap of the event.

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Congressional Data Task Force Meeting Set for March 19, 2024

The Congressional Data Task Force announced it will hold its next public meeting on March 19, 2024, from 2-4pm ET. This hybrid meeting will occur both in person and virtual.

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Congressional Calendar 2024 for Google and iCal

The House of Representatives and Senate follow their own calendars for when they are in session. They each make their respective information publicly available, but generally not in a digital format. The print PDFs that they publish likely are hard to read for people with visual disabilities. And there’s no official combined version.

In light of these omissions, I’ve gone ahead and published a combined House and Senate calendar in a digital format. You can use the following link to access the calendar for your Google calendar account, access a public-facing iCal version, and view the calendar from a web browser.

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Congressional Data Task Force Meeting on December 19, 2023

The Congressional Data Task Force held its third quarterly meeting on December 19, 2023, in the Longworth House Office Building. The agenda, video, and slides are available here. Next year’s meetings are tentatively scheduled for: March 19, June 6, and December 12, 2024.

Highlights and Key Takeaways

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Congressional Data Task Force Meeting Set For December 19, 2023

The next Congressional Data Task Force Meeting is set for December 19, 2023 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm EST.

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Library of Congress Virtual Public Forum: September 13, 2023

The Library of Congress held its Virtual Public Forum on on September 13, 2023. Video of the proceedings is available here.

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