Congressional Hackathon and Forum This Week

Two of the biggest annual Congressional + technology events are both happening this week. On Wednesday, the Library of Congress will host a public forum on, and Thursday is the Congressional Hackathon. All the details are below

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Technology ideas for Congress?

The Congressional Hackathon is three weeks away. In anticipation, I’m gathering ideas from congressional staff and the public on what tools and apps should be available inside the Legislative branch. What is your genius idea? Should there be a tool that allows staff to automatically schedule meetings with outside groups at free times on their […]

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RSVP for Congressional Hackathon 6.0

Congress announced the Congressional Hackathon 6.0 will take place on September 19th from 1-6pm. Follow this link to RSVP. Here’s the announcement:

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CRS building out data analytics capabilities

A recent solicitation from the Congressional Research Service provides insight about the tools and technology being developed by the Legislative branch agency.

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The House Clerk’s technology project timelines

The transcript from House Admin’s hearing with the Clerk of the House was published this past week. It contains our first view of the questions for the record asked at the hearing, and there’s a lot of interesting Q&A. They cover the sunset of the advisory committee on the records of congress, a timeline for […]

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Improving committee video access and archiving

Video capabilities for House Committee proceedings is the subject of an RFI originally published on June 20th and supplemented on July 22nd. It’s focused on the “potential to host and livestream official Congressional hearing videos, and to provide public access to archived hearing videos.” Comments are due by August 30th.

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Tracking lobbyists

A House modernization report on creating unique identifiers for lobbyists was published last week. The long-running project intends to make it easier to track lobbyists across lobbying reports. As things stand now, someone looking at the data from the lobbying reports cannot tell if a person listed as “John Smith” on a Q3 2024 report […]

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House Asks for Feedback on Its Collaborative Legislative Drafting Study

The House of Representatives is asking developers and the general public for ideas concerning the House’s interest in collaborative legislative drafting. Collaborative legislative drafting is where multiple political legislative offices, internal expert offices and agencies, and outside stakeholders (from federal agencies to civil society to interest groups) are able to view and make suggestions on […]

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Recap of Congressional Data Task Force Meeting on June 6, 2024

The Congressional Data Task Force held its second quarterly meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2024. The agenda and other resources are available online and we expect video and slides will be published soon. The next Congressional Data Task Force meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2024. 

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CDTF Meeting Set for June 6, 2024

The next Congressional Data Task Force meeting will take place from 2-4pm ET on June 6, 2024. The public is welcome to attend in person or virtually. More information, including a link to RSVP and a (forthcoming) agenda, is here.

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