Archives for June 2022

The Congressional Data Task Force Continues Efforts to Modernize Congressional Tech, Including Itself

The Congressional Data Task Force announced significant legislative branch technology modernization efforts at their second quarter meeting on June 21, 2022, starting with a name change from the Bulk Data Task Force in recognition of the expanded scope of the working group as it goes into its second decade of existence.

We have a full report on what happened at the two-hour meeting below, but here are some highlights:

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Bulk Data Task Force Meeting Set for June 21, 2022

The Congressional Bulk Data Task force announced its upcoming quarterly meeting with take place on Tuesday, June 21, from 2-4 p.m. To join the meeting, register on its webpage.

On the agenda:

  • Welcome and Background (Meeting starts at 2:01/2:02)
  • Reports/Presentations/Updates from civil society organizations
  • Reports/Presentations/Updates from our Legislative Branch organizations: LOC, GPO, House Clerk, House CAO, Senate Secretary, CBO, others
  • Time for Discussion/Questions and AnswersAnnouncements/Closing (Meeting ends at 4:00 pm EST)

Don’t miss our recap from the March 2021 meeting.