The House of Representatives and Senate follow their own calendars for when they are in session. They each make their respective information publicly available, but generally not in a digital format. The print PDFs that they publish likely are hard to read for people with visual disabilities. And there’s no official combined version.
In light of these omissions, I’ve gone ahead and published a combined House and Senate calendar in a digital format. You can use the following link to access the calendar for your Google calendar account, access a public-facing iCal version, and view the calendar from a web browser.
In the House: House Majority Steve Scalise publishes the Republican House 2024 calendar as a PDF, with yellow highlights on blue text, which can be hard for some people with disabilities to read. They do not publish it as data, such as in a Google calendar or iCal format. House Minority Leader Katherine Clark publishes the Republican House 2024 calendar in a variety of formats, both print (PDF) and digital (Google, Apple, Outlook).
In the Senate: The Senate publishes its calendar as a list of dates with somewhat confusing language (“convene,” “state work period) and also as a PDF with dates in red text or blue, which can be hard for some people with disabilities to read. There is no official digital format as far as I know.
The House and Senate should be publishing their floor session calendars in print and digital formats. But most folks aren’t going to find them… because most people go to to look for Congressional info. does mention the House and Senate floor calendars, but only as hyperlinks to the official member webpages.
It would be a real public service if published the calendars in a data format and not just as hyperlinks to a PDF. It would be even better if they published the bills scheduled to be considered on the floor. If you think so, too, follow this link to tell them. We know they read all the public comments submitted that way.