Library of Congress announces date for Virtual Public Forum on

The Library of Congress announced it will hold its third virtual public forum on on September 21, 2022 from 1:30-4:30 PM ET. The forum will focus on user suggestions for enhanced access to congressional information/data on and also provide an opportunity for the Library to provide updates on improvements to that website.

Pursuant to Congressional direction, the Library of Congress hosted virtual public fora over the last two years, which we summarized in these blogposts from 2021 and 2020. The Library had previously said it would hold this meeting, but had expressed concern about a decrease in attendance from the first to second forums. (To date, nearly 1,500 people have watched the second forum online and 6,000 have watched the first one, both of which are quite large numbers.)

To attend you must RSVP online here. The Library also has an online feedback form for those who wish to submit comments individually.

Here is the announcement from the Library:

We are pleased to announce that we are holding a “ Virtual Public Forum” on September 21st from 1:30-4:30p.m. EDT. If you are a professional or a concerned citizen who uses regularly to keep up with the latest federal legislative activity, we want to hear from you!

You can register for this free event here.The homepage.

During the forum, we will provide you with an update on the enhancements that have been made to the site over the past year and a preview of upcoming enhancements, many of which have been inspired by your feedback. You will also hear from our data partners concerning their efforts to modernize legislative data to make it more accessible. Most importantly, this forum is a listening session–we want to hear from you about your legislative information needs and how we can better serve them.

If you would like to submit feedback ahead of the public forum, please use our Public Forum Survey Form.