Congressional Hackathon 5.0 Set for Sept. 14, 2023

Today Speaker McCarthy and Minority Leader Jeffries announced Congressional Hackathon 5.0, set for September 14, 2023 at the US Capitol. The official announcement is here. Here’s how they describe it: “This event will bring together a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, Congressional staff, Legislative Branch agency staff, open government and transparency advocates, civic hackers, […]

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Library of Congress Public Forum on its Legislative Information Services

The Library of Congress will hold its annual meeting with the public on its legislative information information services, with a focus on, on Wednesday, September 13, from 1-3 PM ET. The forum will focus on user suggestions for enhanced access to congressional information/data on and also provide an opportunity for the Library to […]

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Blog Post: Highlights from the June 2023 Congressional Data Task Force Meeting

Introduction The Congressional Data Task Force meeting held on June 22, 2023, brought several significant updates and announcements in the realm of congressional data management and accessibility. Video and slides are available here. Key Personnel Changes Historical Insight Reports from the Library of Congress Updates by Kimberly Fergusson, LOC: Updates by Robert Brammer, LOC: Government […]

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Developments from the Congressional Data Task Force Meeting on March 14, 2023

The Congressional Data Task Force convened on March 14, 2023, to discuss a range of topics related to the use and management of data within the legislative branch. The meeting, which included representatives from various government offices and civil society organizations, highlighted several new and interesting developments. Go here for video and slides from the […]

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A Biased Yet Reliable Guide to Sources of Information and Data About Congress

Big Picture 1/ There’s big gaps in the data story 2/ Even when there’s data, it may not tell the whole story 3/ The people who dogfood the data, such as Josh Tauberer at GovTrack, Derek Willis formerly of ProPublica, and OpenSecrets, are often forced to build additional reliability and usability into the data than […]

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House Publishes More Earmarks Request Data, Which We Enhance

At the end of last week, the House Appropriations Committee published all earmark requests for FY 2024 on the committee’s website, including publishing them as a spreadsheet. This is great and welcome news. For the first time, the appropriations spreadsheet separated member names into different columns and included state, district, party, and recipient address. This […]

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Congressional Data Task Force Meeting Set For June 22, 2023

The next Congressional Data Task Force Meeting is set for June 22, 2023 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm EST. The meeting will take place in hybrid format. You must register online here, at which point you’ll be prompted to indicate whether you want to attend virtually or in person. If you attend in-person, the meeting […]

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Notes from the Congressional Hackathon on April 6, 2022

(Everyone is welcome to add edits/ comments. Document created by Daniel Schuman at Demand Progress

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Recap: Congressional Data Task Force December 2022 Meeting

The newly renamed Congressional Data Task Force met virtually on December 13, 2022. Resources on the event, including a video of the proceedings, slides from the clerk and slides from GPO, are available on the Innovation Hub here.

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Congressional Data Task Force Meeting Announced for March 14, 2023

The next Congressional Data Task Force Meeting is scheduled for 2-4PM EST on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. To register, use the following link:

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